2022 CAA Annual Conference

Hello Colleagues,
It is our greatest privilege to invite you to the 23rd Annual Meeting of the California Academy of Audiology (CAA) scheduled for September 8th-10th, 2022 in La Jolla, CA. The education committee has been working intensely and has confirmed an exciting agenda which will provide the most cutting-edge information on a variety of topics including traumatic brain injuries, audio-vestibular symptoms related to Covid-19, hearing aid self-fitting, pediatric hearing aids to highlight just a few. Please refer to the conference section of the website for the complete meeting agenda.
The CAA Annual conference provides an amazing opportunity for Audiologists from all over California to come together to learn, collaborate and network. There will be opportunities to interact with the CAA board of directors, the legislative committee, the membership committee, and communications committee. Please consider getting more involved in your state board. We are always looking for new voices and ideas.
With the world continuing to reopen, we are planning on an in person meeting but will be continuously monitoring the situation and will be prepared for any changes that may arise. Our goal is to continue to provide an excellent educational opportunity while maintaining the safety and health of our attendees.
We look forward to seeing you all in beautiful La Jolla, CA in September!
On behalf of the 2022 CAA Conference Committee,
Marni Novick, Au.D.
Carrie Bower, Au.D.
2022 CAA Conference Co-Chairs