President's Message 2014

A Message From CAA President Sharon Goodson, Au.D.


It is a distinct pleasure to serve as the 2014 CAA president.  It has been very rewarding serving on the CAA Board of Directors for the past 4 years.  Since first joining CAA as a student member, I have seen the organization take on issues important to the varying membership body and tackle goal after goal.  The tireless efforts of our past and present board members, as well as our incredible lobbyist in Sacramento, have allowed CAA to improve the state of audiology in California.  CAA has taken on issues involving licensure, scope of practice, reimbursement, professional autonomy, ethics, continuing education, public perception, and many others.  I expect that 2014 will bring continued efforts and additional successes!

Like many of you, I came to audiology quite by accident.  It simply isn’t a field that comes up on career day.  For me, I was in high school looking for my first job and a friend got me a job with her working as an office assistant in a highly respected private practice.  At some point over the next 4 years I started to fall for this field with a balance between counseling and technology, the chance to get to know patients and their families, and most importantly, the idea of helping people communicate. I continued to work there as I pursued my audiology degrees and only left, after almost 10 years, to sow my diagnostic oats.

In addition to learning an unmatched standard of care, I watched my bosses throw themselves into CAA, which at that time was just getting up and running.  I soaked in the message that participating in professional organizations not only provides a chance to learn and make new connections, but it is a continuation of the idea of helping.  Beyond helping the patients we see, supporting CAA helps on a greater scale – we can help audiologists throughout the state help that many more patients.

Make this the year that you do your part to help.  CAA is a volunteer based organization.  We rely on each other to get things done.  Whether you are able to volunteer for a committee, commit time for a board position, or just renew your membership and tell us what you think, helping is helping.  So read those e-blasts and check the website often.  See what colleagues are saying on Facebook and chime in!

I look forward to hearing from all of you as we move our profession further along toward our goals.

Hear and Be Heard!

Sharon Goodson, Au.D.
CAA President 2014

President's Message 2023

President's Message 2022

President‘s Message 2021

President‘s Message 2020

President‘s Message 2019

President‘s Message 2018

President‘s Message 2017

President‘s Message 2016

President‘s Message 2015

President‘s Message 2013

President‘s Message 2012

President‘s Message 2011

President‘s Message 2010