President's Message 2022

Dear CAA Members,
Happy New Year! I am honored by the opportunity to serve the members of CAA and the audiologists of California as we continue our mission to foster the growth, development, recognition, and status of the profession of audiology and its members.
Although we have spent the last two years in the midst of a global pandemic, the dedicated members of the CAA board continued to volunteer their time and share their knowledge and expertise to advance and protect the audiology profession. I applaud and thank each and every board member and volunteer for everything they accomplished this past year. I especially want to thank our 2021 CAA President, Carrie Bower, AuD, for her steadfast commitment to CAA.
As we start 2022, I am excited by the opportunities (and even the challenges) on the horizon for the CAA and audiologists in California. This year we will see legislative initiatives, new educational opportunities, networking events, and an exciting lineup of speakers at the annual CAA conference held September 9th - 10th in La Jolla.
I would also like to encourage every CAA member to find ways to become actively involved in the CAA this year. Whether you are a practicing professional, a student, or retired, there are countless ways to get involved and make a difference.
Thank you for the great honor to serve you as your CAA President in 2022!
Melanie Gilbert, AuD
2022 CAA President