President's Message 2023
Dear CAA Members,
Happy New Year! I hope everyone has had a wonderful start to 2023.
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as the President of the California Academy of Audiology this year. As I am coming up on my fifth-year practicing as an audiologist, I am excited to take on this role representing the next generation of diverse audiologists. My main goal for this year is to help strengthen and grow CAA’s membership, committees, and Board of Directors. This work will strengthen our foundation and enable us to support as many audiologists and audiology students as possible. We have several new Directors joining the CAA Board in 2023 and I am excited for the new thoughts, perspectives, and ideas they will bring.
I would like to specifically thank and recognize all the Board members who have recently transitioned out of their role on the CAA Board of Directors - Carolyn Bower, AuD; Marni Novick, AuD; and Rosalie Saxman, AuD. They have served on the CAA Board for many years and have had a significant positive impact on the organization. CAA would not be where it is today without their years of dedication to our community. Also, I would like to thank all the committee members and student representatives who have contributed their time and efforts to CAA over the past year. Last year was a year of substantial organizational growth, including the addition of a new management team and better technology to manage our members and communications -none of which could have been accomplished without the dedication of the 2022 CAA president, Melanie Luci Gilbert, AuD.
2022 was full of legislative wins and progress on multiple CAA legislative efforts. For example, CAA was successful in eliminating the 10% reduction in MediCal fees for audiologic services. CAA also helped with the development of the Hearing Aid Coverage for Children Program (HACCP) and supported the SLPAHADB Sunset Bill. CAA initiated the discussion of third-party administrators (3PA) in California by surveying membership and releasing our members' views. 3PAs will be an ongoing discussion this year, so please consider joining CAA’s Legislative Committee if you have interest in getting involved with this topic!
I am looking forward to all the exciting opportunities that are coming this year for CAA members. CAA’s Legislative Committee is growing and finding more ways to protect and support audiologists in California. We had successful CAA Happy Hour events in December, and we hope to offer more events providing CAA members the opportunity to engage with one another. The CAA 24th Annual Conference will take place September 28 -30, 2023 in San Jose. The 2023 Annual Conference will host an exciting lineup of speakers aiming to reach audiologists of all specialties. There are more updates to come, so stay tuned!
Finally, I would like to highlight that all CAA members are welcome to join the CAA Board of Directors’ Meetings, which occur every third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM PST. If you are interested in joining future board meetings, please email for the meeting information and Zoom link. We also welcome you to join any of the Committee meetings as well. Your voice is very important to us! It takes a community to make a garden grow, and we are excited to see our garden continue to flourish with your support over the next year.
Veronica Koo, AuD
2023 CAA President
President's Message 2024 President's Message 2022 President‘s Message 2021 President‘s Message 2020 President‘s Message 2019
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